Simulates the glow around bright objects caused by light scattering in eyes and cameras.

Simple addon that restores the EEVEE Bloom removed in Blender 4.2. Accessible from the Render Tab & N-Panel.


Most of the properties display useful tips when you hover your mouse over them.

  • Intensity: Blend factor.

  • Threshold: Pixels brighter than this value will be affected by the glare filter.

  • Radius: Scale of the glow relative to the size of the image. 9 means the glow can cover the entire image, 8 means it can only cover half the image, 7 means it can only cover quarter of the image, and so on.

  • Color: Color applied to the bloom effect.

  • Pass: Bypass the source and only view the bloom result.


CT_BLOOM is hidden when CT_GLARE is installed

  1. Make sure you have Blender 4.2 or higher installed

  2. DO NOT unzip the file. Install the addon (tutorial)

  3. The addon will take care of all the settings. Do not add the node group to the compositor yourself. It will override any old versions you have installed. You don't even need to open the compositor.

  4. Find BLOOM in the N-panel or Render Tab. Enable the addon by clicking the checkbox at the top

  5. Make sure there is enough light in your scene & there are objects to reflect the light. Low roughness materials will react stronger to GLARE

Last updated